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          1. 沈陽新都綠城喜來登酒店

            7 .6

            • 沈陽
            • 其他
            • 100-499人
            • 年終獎
            • 帶薪年假
            • 包吃包住
            • 贊同


            沈陽新都綠城喜來登酒店交通便利,坐落在渾南新區,毗鄰眾多跨國企業的辦公大樓,距離運動員村、中央公園也僅數步之遙;距離奧體中心、沈陽桃仙國際機場僅10分鐘車程。&nbsp;酒店擁有340間裝飾典雅、舒適的客房,其中包括總統套房和行政套房,每間客房均均配備喜來登獨有的&amp;ldquo;甜夢之床&amp;rdquo;,寬大的辦公桌及高速上網接入。為滿足商務客人的需要,酒店還特設喜來登行政樓層,并配有專用的酒廊,為客人提供更加舒適、便捷的設施與服務。&nbsp;酒店在餐飲方面也為客人提供了較大的選擇空間。采悅軒中餐廳內設有22個包間,主理備受歡迎的當地美食與正宗粵菜,讓您心情享用食材新鮮的頂級菜肴;盛宴標幟餐廳是您不容錯過的美食選擇,開放式廚房為您奉上最新鮮的美食體驗;在我們的梅日韓特色餐廳給味蕾全新享受,體會親密時刻或舉辦難忘的慶?;顒?;位于二層的雪茄吧設有宜人氛圍,是您盡享休閑或交朋會友的理想場所;大堂吧則提供各色飲品及小吃。&nbsp;總面積近2,000平方米完善先進的會議和宴會設施,無柱式達1100平方米的大宴會廳可分為三部分,另有8間大小不等的多功能廳和貴賓廳,適合不同類型的會議和高檔商務接待。&nbsp;除此之外,酒店的休閑設施包括喜來登健身中心、水療中心和泳池等休閑設施。您也可在大堂內盡情享受&amp;ldquo;隨心連動喜來登,體驗在微軟&amp;rdquo;所帶來的暢快連接。沈陽新都綠城喜來登酒店是您商務旅行及休閑度假的最佳選擇。&nbsp;酒店秉承喜來登&amp;ldquo;溫暖親切、聯系感應、共通共享&amp;rdquo;的宗旨,將為您提供全方位的職業發展機會。值此開業之際,我們誠聘精英加入!&nbsp;sheraton shenyang south city hotel, located in the hunnan new district, closed to the offices of many multinational corporate. athletes village and central park are just steps away, just 10 minutes drive to the olympic center and shenyang international airport. &nbsp;contemporarily designed with guest comfort utmost in mind all 340 rooms including 38 EXECutive suites and 1 presidential suite, which are exceptionally well appointed with luxurious touches throughout. all rooms feature sheraton sweeter sleepertm beds with the plush mattress and cozy duvet, a spacious work area. wired and wireless high speed internet access and a spacious bathroom are just a few comforts of home.&nbsp;the five food &amp; beverage venues present an endless array of culinary choices with three restaurants and two bars. guests can experience specially SELECTed local favorites, plus authentic cantonese dishes at yue chinese restaurant with 22 modern and spacious private rooms. experience feast, sheraton&amp;lsquo;s signature all day dinning restaurant-our enticing buffets and open kitchens serve up the freshest of food and CREATE a vibrant dining experience. tantalize your taste buds and enjoy intimate dining or memorable celebrations in our ume japanese &amp; korean specialty restaurant. relax and unwind in the comfortable atmosphere at cigar bar on the 2nd floor-just the place to meet. lobby lounge provides a wide array of drinks and snacks.&nbsp;equipped with extensive meeting facilities, the hotel is the ideal venue for any event with almost 2,000 square meters of conferencing space. the 1100 m2 pillarless grand ballroom can be divided into 3 parts. the additional 8 meeting rooms and vip room offer the functionality of breakout rooms for larger events or can be utilized for more intimate gatherings.&nbsp;to help unwind, you can escape to sheraton fitness, spa and swimming pool etc. now you can enjoy link@sheraton sm experienced with microsoft in the heart of hotel lobby. sheraton shenyang south city hotel is an ideal place for both business and leisure.&nbsp;welcome you to join us!&nbsp;


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