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          1. 遵義創元千禧大酒店

            7 .2

            • 蘇州
            • 其他
            • 100-499人
            • 帶薪年假
            • 美女多
            • 包吃包住
            • 帥哥多
            • 贊同


            about millennium hotels and resorts 關于千禧千禧酒店及度假村隸屬于全球首屈一指的酒店管理和房地產集團——千禧國際酒店集團(lse: mlc),于倫敦交易所上市。千禧國際酒店集團擁有并/或管理全球超過130多家酒店,客房數量超過三萬七千間,均位于全球各主要商務和休閑目的地。千禧酒店及度假村旗下擁有九個品牌:千禧大酒店(grand millennium), 千禧酒店(millennium), 國敦大酒店(grand copthorne), 國敦酒店(copthorne), 君門酒店(kingsgate), m酒店(m hotel),m social,studio m和我的千禧(my millennium),主要分布于亞太,歐洲,大中華,中東和北美地區。millennium hotels and resorts is the brand umbrella of millennium & copthorne hotels plc, a global hospitality management and real estate group, listed on the london stock exchange (lse: mlc). the company owns and/or manages a worldwide portfolio of more than 130 hotels, offering over 37,000 rooms in business and leisure destinations in asia, australasia, europe, the middle east and north america. millennium hotels and resorts consist of nine brands: grand millennium, millennium, grand copthorne, copthorne, kingsgate, m hotel, m social, studio m and mymillennium, which are operated throughout asia pacific, europe, greater china, middle east, and north america.多年來秉承創立初衷,以質樸純正的服務哲學為首要宗旨,使千禧成為很多客人的口碑之選。酒店選址以門戶城市為主,如紐約,洛杉磯,倫敦,巴黎,迪拜,阿布扎比,新加坡,奧克蘭和北京,滿足各類商務及觀光需求。founded on the philosophy of genuine hospitality, this dynamic hospitality group has an outstanding reputation for excellence, taking pride in exceeding the needs of its business and leisure travellers. the strategic localities of its properties in key gateway cities such as new york, los angeles, london, paris, dubai, abu dhabi, singapore, auckland and beijing makes millennium hotels and resorts the perfect address to conduct your business or indulge yourself while on holiday.自2006年品牌進入大中華地區以來,目前已有12家千禧集團酒店,分別位于北京、上海、成都、杭州、無錫、廈門、青島、福清、香港和臺中。about millennium hotel zunyi 遵義創元千禧大酒店millennium hotel zunyi invested in the construction by the xiangxing group management co. ltd, on behalf of the temperament of fashion and luxury, and quality service.the hotel is located on xinpu new district zunyi city. the hotel provides 538 spacious guest rooms, the hotel features different dining cuisines, a large ballroom, fitness center with a large indoor pool and spa.遵義創元千禧大酒店是由福建祥興集團旗下子公司全額投資興建,代表了時尚與豪華的氣質及高質量的服務。酒店位于于遵義市新蒲新區平安大道與奧體路交接處,占地120畝,建筑面積約18.8萬平方米,層高18層,總投資17億元人民幣。酒店擁有約538間客房、包括豪華單間,標間,總統套房、行政套房、花園房等。另外,設有大堂吧100座位、全日制餐廳300座位、中餐大廳100座位及17間豪華包廂、1800平豪華大宴會廳、10個多功能廳、行政樓層酒廊、商務中心,以及游泳池、網球場、健身房、水療等休閑娛樂設施。期待熱愛酒店與服務行業的員工加入我們的團隊,我們為您提供具有市場競爭力的薪酬和福利:we are waiting for the staffs who love hotels and service industry to join our team. we provide you with competitive compensation and benefits:1.五險一金;insurance and housing fund.2.假期包括帶薪年假、帶薪病假、婚假、產假、陪產假等;the vocation includes paid annual leave, paid sick leave,wedding leave, maternity leave, paternity leave etc.3.每月舉辦生日會及員工活動;monthly birthday party and staff activity4.您擁有全球調動機會;the global transfer opportunities.5.我們為您提供舒適的員工宿舍;provide the comfortable dormitory.6.我們為您提供三餐,以及帶有淋浴的更衣室;provide employee meals and locker room with shower in hotel.7.我們將評選出月度/年度優秀員工;we will award staffs with superstar and outstanding manager monthly and yearly.8.培訓及職業發展機會;training and career opportunity9.入職培訓;orientation training10.英文培訓;english training11. 部門技能培訓;skills training12. 國內外姐妹酒店交叉培訓;cross training13. 人才發展計劃;personal development planwe look forward full of youthful vigor, the courage to accept the challenge for you, join the family of the millennium! 我們期待著富有年輕活力、敢于接受挑戰的你,加入千禧的大家庭!關于面試about interview【應聘攜帶資料】身份證復印件及近期免冠一寸照一張;【酒店辦公室地址】遵義市新蒲新區奧體西路88號;【面試時間】每周一至周五上午08:30-12:00, 下午13:00-17:00。


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