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          1. 面試物流助理英文自我介紹

            小編:嘉怡 643閱讀 2020.03.20


            ? ? Dear leader, hello. My name is XXX and I am XXX years old. I am a graduate in logistics management and have a senior logistics certificate. Be optimistic and cheerful, positive, hard working, team spirit, responsible, patient and careful. As a beginner, I have excellent learning abilities, and are willing to learn, be creative, and constantly strive for excellence; as a participant, I have an honest and trustworthy character and a team spirit. Just after leaving campus, I hope that I can get some exercise and enrich myself through work.


            ? ? Dear interviewer, good morning! Let me introduce myself first. My name is XXX. I graduated from XX University with a major in logistics management. I have already obtained the customs clearance certificate. I have a cheerful personality and a wide range of hobbies. During my studies, I actively participated in various activities and organized several campus activities. Proactive and responsible for job certification, motivated, diligent in learning to continue to improve, like to challenge difficult, improve their ability and comprehensive quality. I am a person with a sense of time. I can do everything positively and seriously. I am not afraid of hardships, tiredness, and setbacks. I am sincere, good at communication and coordination, and have strong organizational skills and team spirit. I hope your company can give me a platform for learning and exercise, and I will grasp it well.


