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          1. 廣東科世得潤汽車部件有限公司

            7 .2

            • 江門
            • 汽車及零配件
            • 100-499人
            • 合資企業
            • 五險一金
            • 年終獎
            • 全勤獎
            • 班車接送
            • 人才推薦獎
            • 新人培訓
            • 贊同


            找工易簡歷庫共有62個童鞋曾在廣東科世得潤汽車部件有限公司 工作過,目前尚未提供該公司標準面試題和面試流程,如果你知道廣東科世得潤汽車部件有限公司是怎么面試的,歡迎爆料。


            • 維修工程師:
              1.maintaining permanently the production equipment in optimal parameters of functioning, as well as the increase of the efficiency in their use; 保持設備的功能參數穩定維護,并有效的提高效率;
              2.organizing and coordinating the activities of maintenance, in order to ensure the optimal functioning of the production equipment; 為確保生產設備的性能優化,組織并協調維護及維修的活動;
              3.monitoring and estimating the necessary investments for the maintenance of the equipment and the increase of the production capacities and the modernization of the technological process; 保持設備維護費用,生產設備擴容及技術改善;
              4.management of the human resources and of the materials in his area of responsibility. 管理其管轄區域的人員及物料。
            • 設備副經理:

              1.maintaining permanently the production equipment in optimal parameters of functioning, as well as the increase of the efficiency in their use;
              2.organizing and coordinating the activities of maintenance, in order to ensure the optimal functioning of the production equipment;
              3.monitoring and estimating the necessary investments for the maintenance of the equipment and the increase of the production capacities and the modernization of the technological process;
              4. management of the human resources and of the materials in his area of responsibility.
            • 培訓員:
              r 工作要求:
              r 1. experience in the field of electrical harnesses is an advantage. 有線束方面經驗者優先。
              r 2.good communication.良好的溝通能力
              r 3. skilled use of office automation software.熟練使用辦公自動化軟件
              r 職位描述:
              r -theoretichal and practical training of new employees (direct, indirect and staff)
              r -理論和實操培訓新員工(直接員工、間接員工和辦公室人員)
              r -according to the training work instruction to training, evaluation, supervises, qualification and requalification for the direct employees
              r -依據培訓工作指導書對直接員工進行培訓、評估、監控、資質測試和再資質測試
              r -collecting employees training needs with production, and guide new employees special skills(such as us/cutting etc.) theoretical and practical training.
              r -收集生產員工的培訓需求并指導新員工特殊技能(如焊接機/切線機等)的理論和實踐培訓
              r -on training courseware, examination, assessment recommendations for improvement and to assist the team leader to complete the update
              r -對培訓課件、考卷、評估表提出改善建議并協助組長完成更新
              r -knows and masters special operations trainings according with the needs of the operator and follows it’s evolution
              r -根據操作工的需要,了解和掌握特殊操作培訓并遵循它的最新狀態
              r -fill and maintain training records in accordance with the provisions
              r -按規定填寫和保存培訓記錄
              r -comunication with team leader/va/fuw/technician
              r -與組長、班長、質檢員、技術員保持溝通
              r -other tasks assigned by superior
              r -上級交辦的其他任務。
            • 去廣東科世得潤汽車部件有限公司面試前,請依照以上職位要求做好對照,攜帶好個人簡歷以及身份證,畢業證和各類資格證書;


            • *面試職位:
              • 2024年
              • 2023年
              • 2022年
              • 2021年
              • 1月
              • 2月
              • 3月
              • 4月
              • 5月
              • 6月
              • 7月
              • 8月
              • 9月
              • 10月
              • 11月
              • 12月




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