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          1. 亨氏中國
            • 廣州
            • 食品
            • 500-999人
            • 外商獨資
            • 年終分紅
            • 雙休
            • 社保
            • 正式合同
            • 年終獎金
            • 補充醫療保險
            • 贊同


            h.j. 亨氏公司于1869年在美國成立,總部位于美國賓夕法尼亞州匹茲堡市,迄今擁有140多年的歷史,是世界首屈一指的食品制造商。亨氏集團的分公司和分支機構遍布全球200多個國家和地區,擁有150多種全球數一數二的著名品牌, 年銷售額逾100億美元。亨氏集團主要擁有三類核心產品品類:番茄醬和調味品(包括醬油及腐乳);正餐和零食(包括冷凍食品和開胃食品);嬰幼兒食品及營養品。1984年經美國前國務卿基辛格博士穿針引線,美國亨氏在廣州創辦了中國第一家嬰兒輔助食品的合資企業——亨氏聯合有限公司,填補了當時國內嬰幼兒營養食品的空白。亨氏公司的嬰幼兒食品產銷量占全國同類產品的主導地位。2002年4月, 亨氏(中國)投資有限公司成立并落戶廣州。2002年6月,亨氏成功收購國營廣州美味源食品有限公司等三家企業,成立了亨氏(中國)調味食品有限公司,開始了亨氏在中國調味品領域的新的征程。除此以外,亨氏在中國的企業還包括亨氏(青島)食品有限公司和上海國福龍鳳食品有限公司。亨氏(青島)食品有限公司除生產嬰兒瓶裝食品外,還生產和銷售西餐廳常用的亨氏西式醬,種類多達20多種。除亨氏番茄醬外,亨氏西式醬還包括著名的亨氏焗豆、亨氏白醋、李派林喼汁等產品,它們均是四、五星級酒店及各類高級餐廳餐臺上的調味品首選。2008年亨氏中國以其驕人的成績榮獲廣州市政府優秀總部企業獎。2010年,亨氏又斥資1.65億美元收購了總部位于廣州的福達(中國)投資有限公司,大幅加大了亨氏在中式調味品業務方面的投資力度。憑借亨氏在中式調味品領域的領先專業技術和創新水平,我們相信亨氏調味品一定能為中華美食的美譽錦上添花。2011年亨氏(中國)投資有限公司被廣東省政府認定為“跨國公司廣東省地區總部”并將獲得專項資金獎勵。在政府和行業機構的關心和支持下,亨氏的業務正蒸蒸日上。目前,亨氏在中國的員工超過10,000名,在廣州、青島、上海、浙江、成都、天津、南京、廣東開平建有12個工廠,其中建在廣東的工廠有5個。headquartered in pittsburgh pennsylvanian, h.j. heinz was founded in america in 1869 and has over 140 years history as the world leading food company. with ownership of more than 150 number one and number two brands in over 200 major locations worldwide, h.j. heinz has the annual sales of more than usd 10 billion. today h.j. heinz company comprises three major categories of products: ketchup & sauces (including soy sauce), meals & snacks (including frozen meals, entrees and appetizers) and infant food/nutrition.with introduction of dr. henry kissinger, former u.s. secretary of the state, heinz united food enterprise ltd (heinz-ufe) was established in guangzhou in 1984. it is the first joint venture that produces baby nutrition supplementary food, which made a breakthrough in the domestic market of infant nutrition food. heinz’s infant food is a market leader in china.in april 2002, heinz (china) investment company ltd was established in china and acquired three state own enterprises to set up heinz (china) sauces and condiments company ltd. this step has marked a new era for heinz to march into the sauces and condiments industry in china. heinz china also includes heinz (qingdao) food company ltd and shanghai long fong food company ltd.aside from infant jar foods, heinz (qingdao) food company ltd produces and sells more than 20 categories of heinz western sauces which are frequently used in western restaurants. besides heinz ketchup, heinz western sauces include famous heinz baked bean, heinz white vinegar and lea& perrins worcestershire sauce and they are the first choices of condiment in 4-5 star hotels and outstanding restaurants.in 2008 heinz china was awarded the excellent headquarter enterprise by guangzhou government. in 2010, heinz completed the acquisition of foodstar, a leading manufacturer of premium soy sauces and fermented bean curd in guangzhou, china, with a cash payment of usd 165 million, which substantially enlarged heinz’s investment in sauces and condiments industry in china. with heinz’s leading professional technology and innovation in condiments industry, we are confident to contribute more to the fantastic taste of the well-known chinese cuisine. in 2011, heinz (china) investment company limited was recognized as "mnc headquarter in guangdong" by the guangdong provincial government with funding reward. heinz is becoming more and more prosperous with the support from the government and the industry.nowadays heinz has over 10,000 employees in china and twelve factories in guangzhou, qingdao, shanghai, zhejiang, chengdu, tianjin and nanjing. 5 of these factories are based in guangdong province.







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            • 職位需求數:
              561 561 統計近一年職位數據所得
            • 招聘地區分布: 招聘學歷分布:
              • 其他
            • +67% 2021年
              +97% 2020年
              +21% 2019年
              -50% 2018年
              +67% +67% 2021年相較于2020年

            中文名稱 亨氏(中國)投資有限公司
            英文名稱 Heinz(China)Investment Co.,Ltd.
            企業性質 外商獨資
            所屬行業 食品
            公司所在地 廣州
            詳細地址 廣東從化經濟開發區工業大道9號605房
            注冊資金 10004.1579萬美元
            工商注冊號 440101400001660
            統一信用代碼 91440101737190865Y
            組織機構代碼 737190865
            經營狀態 在業
            成立日期 2002-04-21
            營業期限 2052-04-21



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