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          1. 納圖茲家具(中國)有限公司

            7 .4

            • 500-999人
            • 外商獨資
            • 雙休
            • 社保
            • 正式合同
            • 周末雙休
            • 加班補貼
            • 帶薪年假
            • 贊同


            找工易簡歷庫共有5個童鞋曾在納圖茲家具(中國)有限公司 工作過,目前尚未提供該公司標準面試題和面試流程,如果你知道納圖茲家具(中國)有限公司是怎么面試的,歡迎爆料。


            • 成本會計:
              ? 所有原材料的入賬及相關賬務處理;
              ? 成品與在制品分類成本管理與核算;
              ? 月度原材料數量核對;
              ? 月度未使用原材料統計;
              ? 根據公司安排,進行原材料倉庫盤點;
              ? 原材料發票的核對;
              ? sap系統成本運行,分析及異常處理,負責相關財務報表的編制:
              ? 供應鏈原材料成本數據
              ? 其余材料成本數據
              ? 固定資產折舊
              ? 維修成本數據
              ? 能源數據
              ? 供應鏈運輸數據
              ? 配合進行年度審核及預審核;
              ? 主管安排的其他工作。

              1. 至少3年及以上制造業相關工作經驗;
              2. 良好的溝通和協作能力;
              3. 工作積極努力。
            • 人事招聘專員:
              ? 負責生產部門員工的招聘;
              1. 開拓和優化招聘渠道,建立健全內部推薦,確保招聘目標的有效達成;
              2. 靈活運用各招聘渠道,維護招聘信息;根據人員招聘需求,挖掘合適簡歷并溝通,與部門溝通安排面試時間;
              3. 負責面試人員時間、地點等信息溝通以及面試接待;
              4. 負責面試人員情況跟蹤確認,面試合格人員的報到安排;
              5. 負責建立各崗位人才儲備庫,做好簡歷管理工作;
              6. 其他人事事宜;

              1. 大專及以上學歷;
              2. 3年以上全椒當地招聘經驗;熟悉各類招聘渠道,精通挖掘專業人才;
              3. 良好的組織能力和溝通協調能力
            • Customer Service - Japan:

              # he/she works for the satisfaction and care of customer services, especially following the entire order & claim management life cycle, at all stages including the credit collection.
              # he/she operates in compliance with the customer service, order management, post-sales, customer relationship management and credit recovery business processes, respecting the addresses provided by natuzzi corporate.
              main responsibilities:
              1follows customer service policies and standards to which it applies to both order management and post-sales activities;
              2applies management, technical, and operational processes, throughout the entire order life cycle (from acquisition to product delivery to customer), as well as the entire life cycle of any claims (from acquisition to resolution), as well as aspects related to the collection of credits, with the objective of implementing lean optics improvement actions for process optimization and cost reductions.
              3respect the service level agreements (slas) that the organization provide, with respect to brand’s branded corporate goals;
              4ensures an adequate flow of information to customers and other business functions regarding the handling of order and claims, resolution of issues related to commercial information, progress of orders, credit deliveries and after-sales service (spare parts , repairs ...)
              5cultivates and manages relationships with customers through customer relationship systems and, starting from feedback from the market, promotes other solutions to the customer’s business functions or solutions.
              6he/she is great in solving problems that may arise in the customer’s operational management
              7providing reports with the most common issues for prompt feedback.
              main activities:
              1keeps contacts with the customer (via email, fax, telephone) and analyzes their needs with respect to the contract,
              2negotiating business disputes (up to the conclusion),
              3master data management (sap, crm, nares system, etc.),
              4order life cycle management (and variations):
              -analysis and control of order books and removal of commercial blocks
              -communication order confirmation,
              -order management and monitoring throughout the production cycle (customer order, stocks, stocks, ds / pop, etc.)
              5claims life cycle management:
              -receiving, analyzing and system integration,
              -resolution management (sending spare parts, on-site repair, resale, discount, etc.)
              -cost demand analysis
              -order management spare parts, spare parts for resale
              -total replacement management
              6promotional campaign management support
              7monitoring and sample authorization (quantity, typology)
              8lead-time criticality / elongation analysis and customer communication
              9system insert / upgrade of credit letter, advance payments
              10managed merchandise lost, returned goods, credit note / debit note
              11analysis of open item
              12repair service management
              13disposal management
              14credit note / debit note emission management
              15audit by customers, warehouses, etc.
              16reporting claims, market communication, etc.
              17identify backlog and customers that need to be called under their sales conditions and promptly contact the affected customers for their expiration.
              18follow-up on payment commitments.
              19handle documentation requests and conduct inquiries from requests.
              20inform sales dept. about significant changes in the account statement in a timely and professional manner.
              qualification & skills
              1proficient japanese and english speaker both written and oral;
              2excellent knowledge of ms office and sap;
              3problem solving, analytical and decision-making skills

            • 去納圖茲家具(中國)有限公司面試前,請依照以上職位要求做好對照,攜帶好個人簡歷以及身份證,畢業證和各類資格證書;


            • *面試職位:
              • 2024年
              • 2023年
              • 2022年
              • 2021年
              • 1月
              • 2月
              • 3月
              • 4月
              • 5月
              • 6月
              • 7月
              • 8月
              • 9月
              • 10月
              • 11月
              • 12月




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