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          1. 大連金石灘魯能溫泉假日酒店

            7 .0

            • 大連
            • 其他
            • 100-499人
            • 帶薪年假
            • 包吃包住
            • 贊同


            time to relax自在假日歡樂啟程 hello, dalian您好,大連dalian is located at the southern end of the liaodong peninsula, bordering the yellow sea in the east and the bohai sea to the west. near to both the mountains and sea, it is an important coastal trading city with a pleasant climate and joyous lifestyle environment. dalian is famous as " romantic city " for its long coastline, which has beautiful scenery. holiday inn dalian hot spring is located at well-known jinshi hot spring resort. the resort, surrounded by the sea from three sides and far away from urban noise, is full of exotic character that radiates the mysteriousness of nature. 大連位于遼東半島的南端,與黃海和渤海相擁,海岸線綿長,風光旖旎,同時涌動著國際化大都市的活力,盡現“浪漫之都”的多彩與魅力。 大連金石灘魯能溫泉假日酒店坐落在聞名遐邇的海濱旅游度假勝地——大連金石灘,三面環海,遠離城市喧囂。這里既洋溢著異國情調,又散發著大自然神秘的誘惑,是理想的旅游度假休閑勝地。 just the place for you我們所想 如您所愿holiday inn dalian hot spring has wonderful ocean view, soft-sand beaches and a magnificent stone landscape. the hotel offers 97 spacious, comfortable rooms and lovely villas. boomi family room and holiday inn “kids eat, stay and play” program provide memorable experience to family guests. spa area provides 67 indoor and outdoor hot spring pools. here, you'll enjoy swimming pools, kids area and stone-themed pool areas.the hot spring water originates from 2,400 meters depth underground and contains more than 30 minerals and microelements. you can enjoy the internationa-l buffet, à la carte menu and seasonal seafood offerings at the ocean star all day dining restaurant and view restaurant. with fresh, seasonal ingredients, jinshi restaurant radiates the type of culinary liveliness to tantalize your taste buds. we further provide a private function room that can accommodate small meeting and other gatherings. whether traveling for business or pleasure, holiday inn dalian hot spring is the ideal choice in dalian. 大連金石灘魯能溫泉假日酒店是集住宿、餐飲、休閑娛樂和特色溫泉于一體的度假酒店,97間客房寬敞明亮,其中環境幽雅的別墅擁有獨立的溫泉泡池,還可庭前漫步,賞四季美景,適合家庭及友朋度假,共度愜意時光。童趣滿滿的布迷親子房和“兒童食宿歡樂盡享”禮遇,為家庭客人帶來更多驚喜。 酒店引自地下2400米的溫泉,富含30余種有益健康的礦物質和微量元素。67個室內和室外泡池,包括游泳池、兒童戲水池、奇石主題區等多功能泡池。別具特色的海洋療法中心也是您感受海水能量,煥發身心活力的港灣。 在酒店足不出戶,您還可前往海洋之星全日餐廳或優山餐廳品味國際自助佳肴、零點美味和時令海鮮,在金石餐廳靜謐的包房享用由主廚精心挑選本地新鮮食材、原汁原味的創意料理,為旅途增添美妙滋味。此外,酒店的會議設施亦可滿足小型會務需求。 無論是休閑度假,還是商旅出行,讓大連金石灘魯能溫泉假日酒店成為您到訪大連的理想之選。 what is waiting for you這一切等您體驗


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