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          1. 科蒂商貿(上海)有限公司

            7 .7

            • 上海
            • 50-99人
            • 周末雙休
            • 帶薪年假
            • 免費班車
            • 節日福利
            • 專業培訓
            • 做五休二
            • 贊同


            找工易簡歷庫共有92個童鞋曾在科蒂商貿(上海)有限公司 工作過,目前尚未提供該公司標準面試題和面試流程,如果你知道科蒂商貿(上海)有限公司是怎么面試的,歡迎爆料。


            • 總賬會計(contractor):
              - 中國 gl 會計的月度結算和對賬
              - 負責分公司相關文件、財務報告和納稅申報
              - 處理租金攤銷項目,并與全球團隊溝通。
              - 負責外部審計,與多個團隊協調
              - 準備索克斯相關文件,協助內部審計。
              - 銷售確認檢查
              - 項目支持
              - 實際專業會計經驗,gl 經驗者優先
              - 了解公認的會計和內部控制原則
              - 充分了解月末結算流程及其與其他結算活動的關系
              - 良好的商業判斷力
              - 高效利用時間,始終如一地按時完成項目
              - 會計學士學位
              - 了解基礎會計、財務報表、美國通用會計準則
              - 3 年左右工作經驗
              - 有 erp 系統經驗者優先;最好是 sap 系統
              - 出色的溝通和人際交往能力
              - 能夠在國際團隊中工作/英語流利
              - 具備影響力技能/積極主動的態度
              - 組織能力/分析能力
              - 能夠提出改進建議、改變流程并制定解決方案
              - 能夠在指定期限內完成工作
              - 能夠在管理層的指導下獨立行事和開展工作
            • 城市主管—南京絲芙蘭渠道:
              1. 負責對接所轄地區絲芙蘭門店的零售管理工作,根據每月銷售總部的目標,達成零售業績;
              2. 有質量的完成門店ba的品牌培訓;
              3. 區域店鋪日??颓榈木S護;
              4. 管理貨架視覺陳列效果,包括試用裝,貨品,陳列道貝等;
              5. 支持并執行門店的柜促、搭臺活動并且參與常規銷售之中
              6. 負責區域內 sephora渠道各品牌促銷活動的總結、競品情報的收集與匯報
              1. 大專及以上學歷,base 在南京,負責2-3家門店
              2. 三年以上化妝品行業銷售崗位經驗,熟悉sephora渠道;有香水、護膚銷售經驗優先!
              3. 有良好的溝通能力及培訓能力,具備很強的執行力;
              4. 個性開朗、對工作有激情,具有主動創新意識,對待工作踏實認真.
              1. 完善的產品知識培訓
              2. 世界先進的零售行業知識培訓
              3. 寬廣的晉升發展機會
              4. 有競爭力的薪資福利
              5. 勞動合同正式員工
              6. 符合國家政策的社會保險(六險一金:養老保險、醫療保險、失業保險、工傷保險和失業保險,住房公積金) 及商業保險和工作滿1年可獲得公司提供的年度體檢機會。
              7. 帶薪年休假和帶薪病假
            • Importation Supervisor 進口主管:
              role and department
              the china inbound and customs team is part of the global transport and customs team (gtc), a multifunctional team with branches all over the globe and made by people of more than 20 nationalities.
              the team provides the center of expertise for the fast-growing china importation and customs business.
              it sets the strategy, frameworks, guidelines and provides functional expertise in network design across the global supply community and with the logistics community.
              it has the responsibility to identify and manage projects that deliver added value to the business in terms of cost, performance, quality, service, compliance and sustainability in relation to transportation, customs and trade compliance.
              in coty we are in the middle of a transformation process which provides very interesting opportunities for dynamic logistics professionals.
              the role
              in this role you will be responsible for:
              we are looking for an experienced importation supervisor to join the coty china inbound and customs team, based in shanghai.
              in this position you will be responsible for daily import operation, including import documents preparation, import permit application, manage customs clearance process, courier declaration, trouble shooting, periodic performance review of service provider and data analysis to seek opportunity for improvement.
              the successful candidate will develop outstanding operation capabilities for the china inbound/outbound and customs team.
              key relationships of the role are: external service providers, forwarders, carriers, brokers, global internal dcs, it community, registration, procurement, brand marketing, planning and finance.
              ?create or follow up import/export shipment and monitor entire process including booking, sailing, customs, pickup, trucking, delivery to ensure on time delivery and business requirements are fulfilled.
              ?manage various forwarders to ensure shipping accuracy and integrity, regular review and report forwarders’ performance.
              ?manage import/export operation comply to all related laws, regulations and policies from the government, company and business
              ?daily review with broker to set clear importation priority and issues follow-up, to deliver a timely and cost-effective result of customs declaration.
              ?prepare declaration documents, import license (ciq, custom sheet) and statements if necessary.
              ?handle the special case such as customs questioning and customer’s urgent delivery request independently and with high efficiency.
              ?manage inbound courier shipment for registration samples.
              ?provide right/accurate shipping status for review, trouble shooting, find root cause of failed performance and make correction plan.
              ?proactively gain an understanding of the implications of prc customs regulations.
              ?plan and track broker performance on declaration accuracy and timeliness, and work closely with domestic warehouse to improve the products readiness and perfect order delivery.
              what you will bring
              ?required educational background: b.sc. degree in logistics - advanced degree an advantage.
              ?minimal 2~4 years of relevant working experience (preferable in multinational fmcg company– preferable experience in global forwarding company).
              ?knowledge in transportation, customs and warehouse management is a plus.
              ?hands-on knowledge of import process, especially for wgq ftz
              ?familiar with hts classification rules and practice
              ?strong analytical and fact-based problem-solving skills
              ?working knowledge of ms office, and erp systems (e.g., sap).
              ?excellent skills in excel, powerpoint etc
              ?good connection with customs, freight forwarding, and customs brokerage agents
              ?strong team player - able to effectively and proactively act in a complex matrix organization
              ?innovation skills and vision a plus
              ?flexible working style, can easily work with individuals from all backgrounds and cultures
              ?fluent in english, another language is a plus
              what we offer
              ?very competitive salary based on your qualities and experience
              ?flexible working hours, with up to 50% working from home allowed
              ?location in cbd, central shanghai, close to shops and public transport
              ?an open, diversified, inclusive beauty company.
              ?a truly international environment. in global transport and customs team, we have representative of all regions and more than 20 countries
            • 去科蒂商貿(上海)有限公司面試前,請依照以上職位要求做好對照,攜帶好個人簡歷以及身份證,畢業證和各類資格證書;


            • *面試職位:
              • 2024年
              • 2023年
              • 2022年
              • 2021年
              • 1月
              • 2月
              • 3月
              • 4月
              • 5月
              • 6月
              • 7月
              • 8月
              • 9月
              • 10月
              • 11月
              • 12月




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